Monday, November 3, 2014

UrbaCon undertakes marine projects with the utmost caution by Moataz al-khayat

Interfering with natural environments can have staggering consequences, but UrbaCon is certain that it has the expertise and the ISOs to ensure that its marine undertakings are second to none

Much of Qatar’s coastal areas are littered with inter-tidals, which are areas of low wave action that harbour extensive mangroves and other habited natural environments, and these areas are also frequented by Qataris. As an example, the northern part of the city of Sumasyma is heavily populated with mangroves, and people go there on the weekend to enjoy this natural beauty.

Mangroves are relatively rare globally, and they are also particularly important to the ecosystem of the Gulf region for their role in delivering oxygen into the coastal waters and providing a sheltered habitat for smaller species.

In his role as marine and coastal projects director at UrbaCon Trading & Contracting, Istabraq Janabi is responsible for both marine construction and the pre-construction part of the process.

“The marine environment plays a very crucial role in the sustainability of existing mangrove habitats environments and species, and we conduct studies prior to the execution of any works, to determine whatever is required to ensure these ecosystems are sustained,” explains Janabi.

Moataz Al-Khayat, CEO of UCC, notes: “We never approach the limits of preserved areas during the process of construction unless there is an extraordinary need to develop that area, in which case we will proceed as sensitively as possible in order to minimise the environmental impact.”

In the instance of immitigable socioeconomic demands for development, measures that can be taken to preserve these environments include the temporary relocation of mangrove tree specimens, as well as the erection of special fabricated siltscreens, which prevent any contamination due to the construction from reach the roots or trunks of the mangroves.

Ramez Khayat, MD of UCC, highlights: “We are an ISO-approved design-build company, and we make good use of our sister company International Design & Consultancy Company to develop designs that abide by the requirements of the Qatari government, the ministry of environment, and the Qatar Foundation, as well as the marine LEED and QSAS requirements and regulations.”

UrbaCon Trading & Contracting is involved with work on a range of marine and coastal projects including marinas, harbours, beaches, revetments and navigation channels and has a fleet of 60 items of marine equipment in Qatar.

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